We all have dreams and goals we would like to achieve, some bigger than others, however no matter what it is you dream of or what you want in your life it is only through being disciplined and the ability to keep showing up everyday to complete the task at hand that will bring you closer to that goal. Discipline is quite simply the bridge between dreams and reality. It is up to you and only you to achieve your goals, to master the art of what is yourself and to master your own body and mind.

“Through self-discipline comes freedom.”

People will never understand how powerful they are and how much they can accomplish within themselves if they just had that self-discipline to keep showing up no matter when they’re tired, drained or just having a bad day. To have that ability to just keep going and doing the things they don’t want to do, doing the things that suck but each time gets them that one step closer to their goals. That’s all it is. These small acts of self discipline everyday add up to build the foundation of a stronger self and helps you accomplish your goals no matter how far out of reach they seem.

You are not defeated when you lose, you are defeated when you stop. Stay disciplined. Join THE CLUB.

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