The only competition is YOU.

The only competition is YOU.

The only competition is YOU.

In this world today all we see is people online showing off this facade of ‘everything is good’ ‘look at me I’m great’ ‘I’m always happy’ etc. when in reality that is never really the case. However, this facade is often believed by others to be true and it inputs false realities and expectations in their minds that make them think that they are failing in life because they aren’t somewhere or look like someone etc.

This thing we called life is not a competition against anyone. Seeing other people’s success and fortune should not demotivate or discourage you as it is only YOU that you should be worried about and not care too much about what everyone else is up to.

Everyone has their own issues, problems and feelings that they don’t want people to know about and especially online, and that is because everyone loves showing their good side on social media, they love showing people where they’re going or what they’re doing or what they’ve bought etc. but almost no one ever really posts their bad side for example the problems they face either physically, mentally and emotionally. And why would they, right? I mean who would want to show the world that side of them right?

It’s okay to post whatever you want, especially the good stuff and achievements but don’t let these post of others or even yourself think that it is real life, it isn’t. The only competition is you.

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